Looking for something to do this weekend while you #StayHome? The final short video in our first mental training series Mental Cue Cards is available on the North Country Region YouTube channel: Mental Cue Card Video Series
If you don't do any other mental training with your teams (or players, if you don't do any mental training on your own), this is one activity I would highly encourage you to try. I have seen great results when implementing this with my teams in the past. Additionally, it is a simple and relatively quick activity and is laid out step-by-step in the NCR video series.
The Mental Cue Card, which is adapted from Joshua Medcalf (mental training coach for UCLA women's basketball), walks players through understanding and then recording different areas of mental preparation and features seven sections:
- My Mission
- 100% Controllables
- Positive Self-Talk
- Peak Performer
- Grounding Influence
- Peak Performance Number
- My Jingle
Coaches, parents and club directors, share this link with your players and encourage them to watch this short series and create their own Mental Cue Card this weekend!
#RallyTogether #BetterTogether
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