Looking for something to do today? We would love to see some of our very own North Country Region - USA Volleyball members featured on Minneapolis/St. Paul's NBC affiliate station KARE 11's Highlights From Home. In an effort to fill the Sports highlight portion of the news, Eric Perkins at KARE 11 has started a segment showcasing viewer's personal sports highlights filmed right at home. To date, we have yet to see a volleyball highlight , so North Country Region, let's answer the call, accept the challenge, and flood Perk with volleyball videos from North County Region! Videos can be emailed to eperkins@kare11.com or tweeted to @perkatplay . Don't forget to tag @ncrusav so we can retweet and share your videos via our social media too! Click Highlights From Home to view previously aired videos. #HighlightFromHome #RallyTogether #BetterTogether
While we are all experiencing uncertainties at this time, the best way to keep moving forward is to Rally Together! Check out our daily blog for great ideas to make the most of this time while we all #StayHome. #RallyTogether #BetterTogether